Bella Venti
The Bella Venti Woodwind Quintet is a professional woodwind quintet comprised of band directors and musicians from various walks of life.
Minimum number of performances and/or workshops required for travel or hire:
2 performances
Assembly Performance:The Works of Pia1zolla
Introduce the instruments of a woodwind quintet, perform various Piazolla pieces, and engage with students with formative assessment.
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Grade Level: Pre-K, Elementary School, Middle School, High School
Maximum Number of Students: 400
Maximum Number of Performances: 2
Technical Requirements:
- 5 armless chairs
- 1 microphone
NC Essential Standards: 4.MR.1.4 and 4.MR. 1.1
Cost: $500 - one program / $1,000 - two programs (same school, same day)